Home Sweet Home

Have you ever gone somewhere and been so thrilled and excited, enjoyed yourself completely, let time fly by while you just sat back and relaxed? Have you ever had that same feeling for going back to normal life, work, laundry, daily routines? Well I have had a wonderful two week vacation with my family, who I only get to see maybe 2 or 3 times a year for a short weekend, and enjoyed myself thoroughly! Time flew by and when it was time to pack up and drive home yesterday, even though I know I'll miss them, I was very excited to get to come home. I have so many ideas for quilts, projects and patterns. I am looking forward to a cute little baby quilt kit that will feature a new pattern. My Grandmother sent me home with a fun idea for a sewing caddy that I took from a gift she received from her Swiss friend. I have never seen anything like it. And I can't wait to get started on a new purse idea that will surprise everyone. I hope you will keep an eye out for the new stuff I've got coming up.

I have a new quilt shop that is carrying my pattern line. Check them out on the internet: The Stitchin' Post in Little Rock. They have a lot of cute ideas for baby/kids clothes and quilts.

If you haven't signed up for newsletters go to The Quilted Chicken website and scroll to the bottom of the page, sign up with your email and I'll send out news of the new patterns and pictures of all the great stuff coming up. Not to mention coupons on quilting. 


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