
I sat this morning browsing through pages of holiday ideas, projects and products, mostly chocolate gift baskets, trying to get inspired for the Holiday Season. As much as I would like to be an inspiration and motivator, I can't get anything done myself. I'm good at dreaming up ideas; but the execution is a little lacking. It seems that I work so hard at getting the everyday stuff done, I have no more energy to be creative. I mean good grief how many times a day do I have to wipe off the counters and put away the lunch meat. It is just too nice a feeling to sit and take a break that I don't want to get up and go. The everyday mundane has taken it's toll and now the Spirit of Christmas is wasted on me. Maybe I need a Charlie Brown special to get me back on track. Maybe I just need to slow down and enjoy this day. Maybe I just need to sit and wait for a still small voice to calm my soul and revive me. If you need help getting through this holiday, don't forget to stop and listen for the love of Christ, behind all the hustle and bustle. It's not the inspiring songs or the Cyber Week half off sales. It's a time for us to remember that while the earth is in it's dormant state waiting the anticipation of the coming life of Spring, we too need to find the things in our life that should have a chance to die off for a while. Be it stress, or anger, impatience or over-spending habits. Christmas and life in general is not about getting things done. It's about doing the things that matter.

I remember when I was still at home, and my dad would be at the stove fixing fried potatoes or heart shaped pancakes. I would visit with my mom while we sipped hot tea and snacked on crunchy bacon. We always had to make more. We got to share what was going on in life. We were relaxed. Not all mornings were like that, but the ones that were make the best memories. Any time I get to be in the kitchen first thing in the morning fixing breakfast, while my husband listens to the morning news and my daughter sits drawing at the table, I am reminded of what I love about family. I am reminded that not all days have to be a schedule where you leave the house and have to eat out because you are too tired to get back in the kitchen. I am reminded that God's love is eternal. It may not always be the same situation, if we are stressed out and angry it may take a little calming down before we see it. But His love is eternal. His love doesn't require an email link to a special code you enter at checkout. Don't forget to share His love with any one you can this Season.

Luke 2:11-14
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.


  1. I just read this post in June and it was a blessing to my heart! Thanks for the words of wisdom and peace. This advise is good for everyday of the year.


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